If you have stumbled upon my website searching how to make a great impression with people this post is not for you… LOL This post is actually intended for those of us who are Anna Griffin fans and either own her newest Impression Dies that were released on HSN in May 2021 or are on the fence about purchasing it.
What was my first impression of this craft kit? Well to be honest one word describes it, frustrated. This is not a cheap kit and anyone who loves Anna Griffin products are ready to hand over their wallet for her amazing products. But I was determined Fine to find the best way to get a clean impression with her dies. If you have been struggling to you may want to watch my video because it is a game changer.
How much of a game changer? Well let me just put it this way. I will be getting any and all of her Impression Dies that she will release now and forever. ❤️
Watch this video
I would love to know if this video was helpful in any way to for you, so please comment below or on my YouTube channel.